Monday, August 19, 2013

50 Shades of Insomnia

I have a little game I play when I can't get to sleep.  Thought I would share and feel free to add new ones in the comments.

Yes, I read the books (more than once and I'm not ashamed to admit it, I've been reading this kind of trash since I was in sixth grade)

Here are some new book titles and their target audiences:

  1. Jewish:  50 shades of #oyvey
  2. Chinese-Jewish: 50 shades of #soyvey
  3. Latin American Dictators:  50 shades of #Pinochet and the sequel: 50 shades of #duarte
  4. Horses:  50 shades of #hay and the sequel: 50 shades of #neigh 
  5. Donkeys:  50 shades of #bray
  6. Scots:  50 shades of #nay and the sequel:  50 shades of #slainte
  7. LGBT:  50 shades of #gay and the sequel:  50 shades of #prideparade
  8. Japanese:  50 shades of #sake
  9. Wine Enthusiasts: 50 Shades of #rose and 50 shades of #grandmarnier (ok, it's not wine, I know)
  10. Risky Business: 50 shades of #rebeccademornay
  11. Book lovers:  50 shades of #daphnedumaurier
  12. Jehovah's Witnesses: 50 shades of #haveyoufoundJesustoday
  13. BBQ Enthusiasts:  50 shades of #bobbyflay
  14. Gladiators:  50 shades of #slay
  15. Australians: 50 shades of #g'day
  16. Outlander Fans: 50 shades of #damebasiamille
  17. Benji B:  50 Shades of #faye
  18. King Kong: 50 shades of #faywray
  19. Dreamgirls:  50 shades of #beyonce
  20. Out of control rap stars:  50 shades of #kanye
  21. Gynecologists:  50 shades of #vjayjay
  22. Mental Asylums:  50 shades of #craycray
  23. Old Rap Stars:  50 shades of #dr.dreG
  24. Foodies:  50 shades of #gourmet
  25. Medieval Italy:  50 shades of #dante
  26. Bridget Jones: 50 shades of #renee
  27. Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: 50 Shades of #noway
  28. Travelers: 50 shades of #vacay
  29. Native Americans:  50 shades of #ojibwe
  30. Die Hard:  50 shades of #yippykayyay
  31. Children: 50 shades of #igpayatinlay
  32. Lactose Intolerance: 50 shades of #sorbet
  33. Fat Albert: 50 shades of #heyheyhey
  34. The Fonz: 50shades of #Aaaaeeeyyy!
  35. Farmers: 50 shades of #henslay
  36. Morning TV shows: 50 shades of #today
  37. Golems: 50 shades of #clay
  38. Senior Citizens:  50 shades of #gray
  39. Spring:  50 shades of #May
  40. Feminism: 50 shades of #equalpay
  41. Dockworkers: 50 shades of the #quay
  42. Squatters:  50 shades of #stay
  43. Alcoholics: 50 shades of #tanqueray
  44. South America: 50 shades of #uruguay and the sequel: 50 shades of #paraguay
  45. Radiologists: 50 shades of #xray
  46. Snack Food: 50 shades of #lays
  47. Venture Capitalists:  50 shades of #outlay
  48. Old Sweaters: 50 shades of #fray
  49. Baseball:  50 shades of #oaklandas and the sequel: 50 Shades of #bluejays
  50. Three Cheers:  50 shades of #hiphiphooray

For my Modiin friends:
50 shades of #gelarte
50 shades of #anabe

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